Is the ios viewer a real representation of your games performance?
Hi all! I have been working on a game for months and just got an apple dev license. That allowed me to use the ios viewer for the first time today YAY! It looks really awesome on my ipad 2 and it functions like it should in all areas but performance. The game is only about 31 MB's in size at this point in time and I know that the ipad 2 is not comparable to the 4 but things seem to lag in game when using the viewer. Is this how my game will really perform on someones ipad or is this lag just caused by the viewer. And the lag I'm referring to is slow lvl load times like maybe 5 seconds and kinda stuttery movement of the blocks that you have to slide to finish puzzles in my game. Please if anyone has any experience with the viewer could you let me know if this is an accurate portrayal of how my game will perform say if someone bought my game off the app store and downloaded it then played it. Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to any insight you guys have.
Ad hoc is the best way to test your apps. Go to the cookbook and follow the instructions it is a little difficult the first time but well worth it. You shouldn't publish a game unless you have ad hoc tested it first.
I am unaware of any issues with the Viewer. As for the stuttering and poor performance ninety-nine times out of a 100 it is down to bad code/logic or design like too many actors or too much happening, etc. Your computer can cope with some of these things but devices wont.
Go through it carefully if you can't find the problem/s then it might be an idea to get someone to have a look at it. You may have to pay them but it could be worth it.
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Thanks for the response colander! I'll study the cookbook some more and get that Ad hoc testing going. Have a great night!