Resolution graphics

Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140
edited September 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

I don t find the video anymore that showed it. When i import graphics do i have to care about the small side. So when i have an object 256 x 128 is it then for game salad process work 256 x 256 or 256 x 128. Also i do an sidescroller and i resize my platform each time in my levels. Do i also have to care about the Width and the Hight Setting under Size in Gamesalad? That also confuses me. When I import a picture 256 x 256 then Gamesalad shows it as 48 x 48...
I do it in iPad Landscape. I thought about that when iPhone 5s ruled the world now it s 6 and 6 Plus. I would do it in iPad Landscape now again and place all the control stuff in the 16:9 area and then just crop it to all the 3 iPhone Sizes. Is the way I would do good or is an other way better? What do i have to know about the new Settings in the new Gamesalad Creator?
I read that when i do crop things the devices with lower resolution have to process the high resolution. So is then the higher resolution image is actually shown on the devices with lower resolution and we are actually getting a kind of anti alising ?

Best Answers

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
    Accepted Answer

    @Creator97 said:
    I don t find the video anymore that showed it. When i import graphics do i have to care about the small side. So when i have an object 256 x 128 is it then for game salad process work 256 x 256 or 256 x 128.

    256 x 256 = 65,536 pixels of memory used.

    256 x 128 = 32,768 pixels of memory used.

    256 x 129 = 65,536 pixels of memory used. (!!!)

    @Creator97 said:
    Also i do an sidescroller and i resize my platform each time in my levels. Do i also have to care about the Width and the Hight Setting under Size in Gamesalad?

    No. A 256 x 256 pixel image will use 65,536 pixels of memory regardless of what size the actor displaying that image is.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
    edited September 2014 Accepted Answer

    @Creator97 said:
    I have a platform lets say 1024 x 1024 (dividable by 4 ,when it would be imported bigger: lets say 1560x1560 then cpu/gpu have so much work as they would have with a 2048x2048 graphic, right?)

    Right. 1560 x 1560 can fit into 2048 x 2048, but not into 1024 x 1024.

    @Creator97 said:
    So the graphic is now imported into Gamesalad do I now also have to take care about the number under the Width and the Hight Setting about the way i did before i imported that graphic?

    Without knowing how you took care before you imported the graphic it's impossible to say.

    @Creator97 said:
    Like shown in the ().

    I don't know what that means, is it hieroglyphics, there is a strict no hieroglyphics rule for the forums as some of our older Egyptian users know only too well.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
    Accepted Answer

    @Socks said:
    I don't know what that means, is it hieroglyphics, there is a strict no hieroglyphics rule for the forums as some of our older Egyptian users know only too well.

    I believe that's a violation of rule 3


  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140
    edited September 2014


  • revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159
    edited September 2014

    I'm willing to take a look and see if I can help you, but your questions are all over the show. Let's do them one at a time. What's your one biggest issue at this stage. Explain only that as clearly as possible. Let tackle it first, then we'll move on. If I can't help, at least the other forum members would have a better idea of what you are after.

  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140

    @revoltandreverb said:
    I'm willing to take a look and see if I can help you, but your questions are all over the show. Let's do them one at a time. What's your one biggest issue at this stage. Explain only that as clearly as possible. Let tackle it first, then we'll move on. If I can't help, at least the other forum members would have a better idea of what you are after.

    1. I remember now the video that s ok now.

    1. I have a platform lets say 1024 x 1024 (dividable by 4 ,when it would be imported bigger: lets say 1560x1560 then cpu/gpu have so much work as they would have with a 2048x2048 graphic, right?)

    2. So the graphic is now imported into Gamesalad do I now also have to take care about the number under the Width and the Hight Setting about the way i did before i imported that graphic? Like shown in the (). Or does resizing in Gamesalad not matter?

    4.I am doing my Project in iPad Landscape. I thought about that when iPhone 5s ruled the world now it s 6 and 6 Plus. I would do my other projects in iPad Landscape now again and i would place all the controls for gaming in the 16:9 area and then just crop it to all the 3 iPhone Sizes. Is the way I would do good or is an other way better?
    What do i have to know about the new Settings (iPhone 6 etc.) in the new Gamesalad Creator?

    1. When i would do a project for iPhone 6 Plus. And play it on iPhone 6. Is then the higher resolution image actually shown on the devices with lower resolution and we are actually getting a kind of anti alising ?
  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140

    Please help do you not understand?

  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140
    edited September 2014

    Like shown in the () means that text which was standing in these (...)
    So i wanted to say: Like shown: dividable by 4 ,when it would be imported bigger: lets say 1560x1560 then cpu/gpu have so much work as they would have with a 2048x2048 graphic, right?
    I had to do the text twice because one user complained that my question was not clear!
    But i thought it was answered by your answer:

    @Creator97 said: Also i do an sidescroller and i resize my platform each time in my levels. Do i also have to care about the Width and the Hight Setting under Size in Gamesalad?
    Your Answer:
    No. A 256 x 256 pixel image will use 65,536 pixels of memory regardless of what size the actor displaying that image is.

  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140

    Second question: i have a background and it is 16384x1536 but i cannot import it in game salad! I knew that before. Do i have to split it and then fit the backgrounds seamlessly together?
    How huge can graphics be? 4K? For the iPad Pro?

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    No 4k and yes you'll need to cut it up.

  • Creator97Creator97 Member Posts: 140
    edited September 2014


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