Would Apple allow a reset game option when freeze or bug?
I have lots of Tables and Keyboard inputs. I have noticed every now and then the adhoc (not the viewer) will glitch and will not allow any keyboard input options to work.
I have always just manually restarted the app and it works fine.
The "Reset Game" button also fixes the trick.
Would Apple allow the reset game button for known bugs?
Id basically be saying "yeah i know it's glitchy, so when it glitches click this".
I wouldn't publish a game that did that until I fixed it. If you think it is a bug contact support and see what they say and depending on that submit a bug report. These things are usually bad code/logic rather than a bug I mean like 99/100 times.
Apple wont knowingly let you put a buggy game on the store you would have to sneak it by them. If you did it would be a big mistake on your part people would give bad reviews of your app killing sales.
If you know the code which is causing the problem post a demo project or a screenshot of your rules and someone might be able to help you.
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I agree fix the issue it may be a bug with the current build as I believe there are issues with tables. So wait it out.
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