I am new. How does one make a menu/start screen?
Additionally i would like to make it so that the play button and the title move off the screen afterwards. And only then does the real game scene appear. Many thanks.
Additionally i would like to make it so that the play button and the title move off the screen afterwards. And only then does the real game scene appear. Many thanks.
Hope this will help.
I would recommend do searches on YouTube. You will find a lot of content to help you. Also, If you have yet to do so, go through the cookbook! Welcome!
Hello! I m new around here also. I've found a lot of answers on youtube. I like users like GSHelper.com or Jamie Cross and off course gamesalad. there are many more there. Short answer to your question: create two scenes. The first is the menu. The second is the gameplay. In the first add a button actor and create a rule, when touch is released change scene to gameplay. Also you could use a timer (set it to change the scene after 2 seconds) and create a 2 second animation for your button actor. And voila!
Nice idea. Unfortunately it will not be smooth. Gamesalad has a habit of waiting a couple of seconds before loading the next scene. What you could do is put all the actors in one scene, then when start is pressed, you could "move to" or whatever animation you want, and hide the things you want off screen. You could also destroy if out of the camera to save ram. Just make sure your work area is large enough.
Checkout my gamesalad logic series. It will help you understand the basics of coding in GS.
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I loved the videos from TSB. Even though they are old, they are still invaluable!