How to publish with iPhone 6(plus)?
So do we have to make it a "iOS universal" build in the publishing generator?
What if I don't want it to be for iPad?
Can I still use the "iPhone" settings in publisher and still be ok with the 6 and 6Plus? Anyone know?
Universal only means that it runs natively on both iPad and iPhone, and will have the small plus sign in the iTunes App Store. iPhone apps will run on all iPhones; irrespective of screen size, they are still considered iPhones.
Thanks @pHghost. If overscan worked on the 5 and 4, Can I also use it on the 6(s)?
Been working on this app for months. I designed everything to work in the 5 and be ok when overscan kicks in on the 4.
Yes, overscan will work on the 6 and 6+ as well. Though I recommend making higher-quality textures for optimal display on all devices.