[CONCEPT] new more efficient "Reset Scene" behaviour

ApprowApprow Member Posts: 703
edited September 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi folks,

I created a new concept for the reset scene behavior. Most of you probably know how frustrating it can be if you have to reset your scene and it needs to reset attributes as well. Bigger games have to reset more attributes, and it can be quiet annoying if you forgot something, or you cant find the save behavior because there are so many "change/save attribute behaviors".

So to get to the point, why just not one behavior which can control everything, all your change and save attributes in one place.
This can also be applied to the next scene behavior of course.
I am really curious to your opinions! Vote for it if you would like to see this happening http://bugs.gamesalad.com/show_bug.cgi?id=340



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