My Amazon game suddenly spiked in downloads!
For about a month in the Amazon Store, my game Gamma Stralkniven has been getting 1-2 downloads per day. Then suddenly just yesterday, it spiked up to 600+ installs. I don't know what happened. I've searched the web and the Amazon Store but I can't find anything. I wanted to know why that happened and I'm not complaining of course!
I hope it keeps up doing that performance. Anybody got ideas what happened? The game was also published the same day in Google Play but it only has the same 1-2 downloads per day. I published the same title in Apple a couple of days ago, but it's still waiting for review. Thank you for your input guys!
I imagine word of mouth of some kind.
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Maybe Master Guru, but it should be an incremental increase don't you think? It's like somebody flicked the switch and boom!
It's not even featured in Developer Select. My other game is though. But it is still not active as I've scheduled Developer Select for it the whole month of October.
whats the name of it maybe a big title with similar name could be the reason
My Apps
Hi @BigDave
The title is Gamma Stralkniven. Thanks! You think Amazon users suddenly searched my keyword? I hope Android and iOS users will do the same. Hahaha!
How's your downloads by the way? Is it still climbing or at least plateau'd already? All we can wish for is that it stays at a current download per day level and don't drop back down to 1-2 per day.
The experience with Android is that once you get a peak download, it lasts for several days even weeks. Then it goes down to a plateau level where it just sits there hopefully forever. We're talking about downloads per day.
Sorry, am I flooding? Please tell me so I can fix it. I'm a little bit excited so I apologize for my behavior. It's like when you have a hobby like stargazing with all the expensive telescopes you bought is around you, then suddenly a UFO flew above you. Well at least you think it's a UFO.
Do you think I just saw a UFO?
Awesome () () () () (*)
Good job!
Hopefully that number just keeps getting higher and higher.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Same thing happened to me on iOS awhile back.
next day back to normal.
Awesome! I wish my app had a spike like that!
Well it's still holding up. I just wish it happens in iOS and Android though. I get very little money from Amazon.
Awesome man!
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I have the same problem on iOS/Amazon... 1000dl/day on Android but only ~30 a day combine on both iOS and Amazon.