What kind of computer do you use for GameSalad Development?
Are you Apples or Pears? Rabbits or Bears?
Stars up Above or Ground down Below?
That is the question.
And we'd like to know.
Are you Apples or Pears? Rabbits or Bears?
Stars up Above or Ground down Below?
That is the question.
And we'd like to know.
That IS the question, not IT the question.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Oops. Fixed.
I don't like MacOS, but I do use Mac for GameSalad development, cause Mac version of GameSalad is more stable and recives all the latest updates. Also I mostly develop for iOS and you need Mac to test games on iOS and do other iOS related stuff.
For development on Unity I use Windows.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
You're a poet and you didnt even know it!
Fast as a rabbit, strong as a bear and the answer to the biggest question is 42!
I know where this poll is going lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I was thinking the same. Lol
Exactly, the underdog "I hacked GameSalad to run on Linux
" will rise to the top from nowhere and dominate this poll. It's a David vs Goliath kind of thing, just you wait.. 
Indeed. No reason to avoid the inevitable. Here, I'll start it off...
Yes, almost seems like it was destined to be like this...
Think Different... Or I guess, as the poll results say, think like most everybody else.
LOL, considering all the knock-off templates in the GS Marketplace some people are undoubtedly creating on Macs, it seems like it.
macs are the best!
Used Windows before this for nearly 15 years. Has been using Mac for only a year an half. When I tried using my brother's PC recently:
Dat GameSalad Research Guy
Macbook 2009...
How did that one guy get it on 'nux? (Unless they're trolling)
Macbook pro late 2013
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Macbook Pro (late 2008 Muaaaahahahahaa) as well as a Windows desktop (a beast with an i7, 32 GB RAM, 12TB HDD not including 3 SSD drives
I prefer my Windows (I know, not a popular opinion here) machine but I find my Macbook to be more stable with GS...
Now will the person/troll who voted on Linux in this poll please raise their hand!

2008, that's like...

Hehe! My bad, check the image... its not "late 2008" like I thought it was!
I just refuse to buy Apple stuff (over priced, over hyped IMHO), but a friend of mine was about to throw away this machine and as a "computer guy" I offered to try to get it working for her, she told me to take it instead. So I opened up up, cleaned away a substantial amount of dust and dirt, new RAM, new SSD, new battery, new charger and... it lives!
The one major problem it does have though, it gets SUPER hot on the underside, I swear I can fry an egg on the damn thing so I can't but it directly on my lap... can I still call it a "laptop"?