SOund problems
So I have a soundtrack in wav format (when I drag it into GS it changes to .ogg) but the problem is this, in game salad it plays as white noise. just a continuous loud hiss, when i play the sond from my media player it plays fine.
it is about 52 000kb in size, is that the issue? it will play other files that are much smaller but this one just noise.
any ideas why??
Change the files to mp3 before import
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
it says it won't accept mp3s?
Hmmm I'm not very familiar with the windows version. Maybe someone else knows.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
ok, thanks for the help
you can try to convert the wav file using 3rd party software, then import
I used audacity to compress the wav file and it worked! thanks for the help guys!!
I know its an old post but because I had the same problem with no solid answer here is the soltion to the white noise or GS not playing your sounds...
The problem is the bitrate of the sound. if it is 48000hz or 44100hz it would be fine but I have had the same problems with anything at 96000hz.
So use any software to change that and that should be fine. I also did not face ay problems with different sample rates of 16 bits or 32 bits.
Bear in mind that you need to EXPORT your sound to a 48khz and you can not change the bitrate in the the timeline of your software you are using to change the bitrate as it slows down the sound. (so 1 second audio will be 2 seconds)
Hope it helps
Bit rate has no effect on pitch/speed, that is to say changing the bit rate of a sound won't slow down the sound.
Well it does. If you change the bitrate on your timeline it literally stretchs the sound. (a 96khz played at 48khz). If you use Audacity and simply just change the Bitrate you see the sound becomes longer. I could not find a way around it in Audicity and I used after effects to export the sound to 48khz which does change the Bitrate at the same speed.
Either way that is the main cuase of the white noise and GS not playing the sound
I think you are confusing sample rate and bit rate.
Changing the sample rate from 96kHz to 48kHz will lower the audio by 1 octave and slow the audio down to 50% speed (unless you are using a conversion process that keeps a fixed pitch/speed) but will have no effect on the bit rate, and vice versa - changing the bit rate will have no effect on the pitch or speed of the audio. The bit rate only defines how much data is used to represent the sound, so you could have a 48kHz sound represented by 64kbps or 320kbps, and whereas one (64kbps) would be a little grainier and lower quality they both would be the same pitch and the same speed / length.
16 bit / 32 bit is the bit depth of the audio (or the word length) rather than the sample rate.
Either way that is the main cuase of the white noise and GS not playing the sound
I don't know the actual bug, but it's useful to know it's caused by 96kHz audio.
You never really need 96kHz in a delivery medium anyway, it's useful for the recording/mixing/production stage, but pointless for something like an iPhone (or whatever) which can only play back 48Khz, and you certainly wouldn't need 32 bit audio either, any quality gain above 44.1kHz/16bit/256kbps is going to be imperceptible unless you have £1,000 speakers attached to your computer / iPhone.