Mac Book?
Well, I finally convinced my dad to buy me a mac book since everything on here works better with it! I was looking at cheaper versions cause I think 700 bucks + is just to much for something I'm going to use very rarely because I've been a windows user since day one. The only reason I need one is just to test my apps and then post them on market and well I make a bunch of apps so I don't wanna pay $20 everytime to rent the mac in cloud. So are there any system requirements? Like on the operating system ?
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If you use a desktop PC with a separate monitor, consider a Mac Mini. You should be able to get one that would do a good enough job for less than $200.
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@jamie_c so something like this might work ? @armelline with the mac mini all I do is hook it up like a normal desktop computer? I have tons of monitors laying around my house!
. What my original plan was get a new Windows based OP system & to run oracle on it because I do need a new laptop for my school work anyway so I was looking for a laptop with 4-8 Gigs of Ram on it & has an intel i5 - i7 processor on it. From the Youtube videos I've seen it works best on intel based desktops/laptops. That's honestly what I want to do because I'm so used to Windows but the only reason why I'm considering getting a Mac Book is to run Gamesalad and I know that the Macintosh OP system will be working properly
By any chance is there anyone here who is running Oracle VM Virtualbox or VMware workstation to run Macintosh operating system on there windows based computer?
@http_gamesalad, looking at the system specs it mostly looks correct except I think you'll need to update your system software. It says it has OS X 10.6 installed and you'd need at least 10.7 for Gamesalad I believe. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
don't use a virtual machine running Mac as things will not work properly when publishing. There's stuff built into the Mac's that is needed. You will be disappointed with it in the end. Also, I would recommend looking under Apple's refurbished section. They tend to have good prices there.
I have used VMWare, Parallels, as well as Bootcamp and I hate Mac OS X as an Operating System.
From experience, if you need to be able to run both OS on one computer, just buy something worth the money, instead of something that will just barely scrape by.
I bought a "open-box" macbook pro, installed the max of 16gb of ram, threw in a 256gb solid state drive and installed windows via bootcamp. (I also installed Linux and used REFIT for multibooting).
Or as @Armelline said, a $200 mini will do the job...
I believe both are better solutions than messing with VMware & Apple doesn't like you installing their OS on computers without fruit.
Okay thanks so much for your feedback guys
@jamie_c , @KillerPenguinStudios , & @3itg so should get the job done? 
I would recommend getting something that will run 10.9. Xcode 6 requires 10.9 or higher.
@BlackCloakGS you mean so I can the GS Viewer? I was going to use
mostly for signing iOS apps.
@http_gamesalad sometime ago i was curios to test Mac os x Mountain Lion on a Windows pc all works fine but when i tried to update to 10.9 the virtual machine crash and was ready to be trashed now i got an il Mac mini gifted from a friend at 200€ and all word except the incompatibility with Mavericks
@BlackCloakGS so you think if I got a mac mini with 10.9 or higher it'll be better?.. I'm not sure if they even do sell minis with 10.9 & @Andrea_Comisi other than the Mavericks it works fine? .. Like youre able to post apps on the market & test them our properly? For the $200 mac mini?
The 200€ was a price for a friends he was originally selling it for 400€
@Andrea_Comisi was it the same thing as the one I was looking at to get?
I got the MacBook 2009 from MacofallTrades...It was about $600...I had them put 750 GB hard-drive and 8 GBs of RAM...It works really well...