animate behavior

digitalzerodigitalzero Member, BASIC Posts: 639

i have a ball that needs to be animated... but the only time it animates is when it hits the ground... and basically when it gets done with the end of the frame that would be the animation everytime ... here is my rule

if actor overlaps or collides with the ground change attribute self.grounded to true otherwise self.grounded is false... when self grounded is true animate.... BUT IT DOES NOT ANIMATE Lol


  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291

    I'm a little confused as to if it played the animation once through or not at all? I am saying this because first you say,

    @digitalzero said:
    but the only time it animates is when it hits the ground...>

    But then you go on saying,


    I am assuming that in your project once the ball hit's the ground it runs through your frames of animation once. My question for you is, did you tell the animation to loop???

  • digitalzerodigitalzero Member, BASIC Posts: 639

    @killerpenguinstudios sorry for the confusion... yes it does animate but it does not do it when it hits the ground... i want it to loop but i only want it to go through the frames once... so its like 6 frames i want it to go through the animation as if the ball is getting somewhat squished when it hits the ground and goes back to its immediate position

  • KillerPenguinStudiosKillerPenguinStudios Member Posts: 1,291

    okay, so where you have the frames of animation at there should be 2 things. You should see one thing that says loop and make sure that is unchecked since you only want it to run once. Next you will see a box next to where it says "Restore actor image when done." Make sure that is checked as it will put the image back to the image it started with rather than the last image in your slide. Hope that helps.

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