[ChartBoost] 1.2K Impressions but no/barely any revenue?
Yesterday and today I had an average of 800 installations (google play and Amazon), 1.2K impression, and a pretty good CTR.
How come that it doesn't generate any revenue at all? I know a person actually has to install the advertised app, but the CTR was at least over a 100. Is it possible that there is some delay with ChartBoost displaying the revenue?
My experience with CB is that the money earned today will show the next morning. I don't know if CB pays us for impressions though. I have high impressions (well, relatively) with Amazon too but I get no money. And yes, I get clicks too! Google Play is ok. Still waiting for review of my games in iOS to know the difference.
Here's my 2 cents for it: Because the Amazon market is low volume/income potential. I feel Amazon advertisers bid for very very low $. Maybe some don't even bid for "click throughs" too, but for installs only.
That's a nice download boost you got there! It all happened in one day? It happened to one of my apps too.
@yattamove Yeah it got more downloads in the last couple of days, usually I got some revenue even when 20 impressions were shown, I just wondered why it doesnt show anything right now. I guess I have to wait but I'm excited:)!
Just because you have chosen chartboost, doesnt automatically mean you will make money. If you're games are showing the same ads over and over, people won't click them. This video is brilliant and this will help you to get better revenue
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
Good for you bro! Wait till tomorrow. It will show money especially for Google Play. What's being updated real-time is "Earned" located at the upper right-hand corner beside "Balance".
Just don't expect much from Amazon. My other free app from Amazon with a lot lesser 155 impressions, no installs, got me...(drum roll please!..) $0.22! My Amazon blockbuster game with thousands of download and impressions.....is..
TADA! $0.00. Nada. No money! Hahaha!
Everything's weird in this indie game stuff!
I'm starting to think twice about publishing my unsigned apk's to Amazon! Why are we even supposed to publish unsigned apk to them anyway? Am I paranoid to think Amazon is messing with my app? In their dashboard, the game is a blockbuster! I get thousands of downloads. But Chartboost only reports a couple of hundreds. With zero money for me. Is Amazon making money from my app while I earn nothing? I don't know.
@jigglybean I've already done that:) Maybe because its during the week the advertisers dont pay that much per install, just a wild guess.
@yattamove Thanks for the insight:) Yeah I also find it weird why we have put upload an unsigned apk, maybe they have to ad their own stuff?
Actually the video contradicts what you just said in your post, bro. I also do that CB optimization. Unfortunately, the high paying ads (big download MB like Secret Society, etc..) will show you the same ad over and over. And users will not download it. Maybe once, but more often than not, they won't. Just pray the users won't get pissed and uninstall your app. Because high paying ads have high MB/data to download. That's why they're paying big bucks. And users are allergic to high data downloads. And CB won't pay you for clicks or impressions. But rather just installs.
@jigglybean Just make sure you don't show the ads to often, that really annoys people indeed. If it shows up every 3 times you replay the game it should be fine
Ive set up Chartboost like presented above, but i still wont get paid for clicks on the higher level campaigns, you get that to? Any thoughts?
CB won't pay for clicks or impressions but only installs. Well, that's my experience anyway.
You get more money for an install and money for clicks. not for impressions, otherwise we'd all be rich
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
I have clicks on campaigns that should make me some revenue for clicks, but it wont. Wierd
I used this to increase my chartboost revenue.

@rabid parrot Does it work ?
Appselly Marketplace - Buy & Sell App Source Codes
I was told by CB that it only pays for installs and not click or impression. Furthermore, for CB to confirm the installs, the new install must be opened at least one time. If ppl install and then delete it w/o opening it once, then you want get any revenue.
Thanks for this, will definitely be setting this up for my app now, thanks to @jigglybean for bringing it up.
Yes, CB don't pay for clicks. They just depend on it as additional info for determining performance and the corresponding ecpm for your campaign. Again, based on my experience. I've got clicks but with no revenue as well.
I tried that video above, sure it presents you the highest paying ads as priority. The downside is that it will show the same ad over and over again. Mostly, these high paying games are large (in MB) and is likely not to be downloaded and installed. Therefore, 0 revenue. I like my ads display a variety so there is more chance a game displayed may be interesting to my player and get installed.