Chartboost is spiking way up in high ECPM
I'm getting some crazy spikes in my ECPM on Chartboost the past two days. Is anyone else seeing this? I'm not complaining and very happy. Just need to understand what's going on and maybe keep it up
I'm getting some crazy spikes in my ECPM on Chartboost the past two days. Is anyone else seeing this? I'm not complaining and very happy. Just need to understand what's going on and maybe keep it up
Last week i had a few crazy days at the $150 to $250 range. Nothing this week though.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Yep me too! I'm having what @raycur09 had. $200-$300 range this week.
Wow! and i thought my $20-$60 range was good.
I hope this is the time when devs start to rake it in. The last quarter of the year!
But the weird thing about Chartboost for me now is that I'm unable to login the website the past 3 days. Sent email to their support everyday and no response... Are they that slow with support or something else is happening?
They are very fast in response based on my experience in the past. Even today, I've just asked a query 2 days ago and they replied a couple of hours later. I use everytime.
I've been email
I'll try the "info" email address too.
Ive had some serious spikes in the last 30 days....
Try and top these.....
@gingagaming - how the heck you get such high ECPM? is it just luck or there's actually a science to it?
What is the ECPM?
@Andrea_Comisi eCPM= effective cost per thousand impressions
Basically, it's how much you make for every 1000 ads impression. Here's my basic understanding of it but someone please correct if I'm wrong:
Chartboost ads pay per install and not by impression. So you can get 100,000 ad impression but if no one install then you'll not make a penny. It's a number game so the more ad impression you have, the more likelihood for more installs.
Revmob ads can earn revenue on both - impression, clicks, and installs. However, the ECPM payout is much lower. I think it depends what region the ads are displaying. For example, China can have ECPM of $0.01 while USA can have ECPM of $1.50. I don't know the exact numbers but this is from my personal experience this past month.
My game is running both RevMob and Chartboost but I'm seriously considering using only Chartboost as my payout is 2X for Chartboost that it is for Revmob. I wish we had Admob as I hear the ECPM is much better
Wow happy for you guys same here. Good money with chartboost this month.
Happy to see Gamesalad Bro's making money!
My Apps
To further add, two weeks ago my ECPM for Revmob dropped significantly from $1.30 down to $0.30. I emailed Revmob support to ask them why and they responded that this is normal for ECPM to fluctuate and that I should be seeing it spike back up. The next 3 days afterward, I was getting $2-3 ECPM...
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm,...........
Had that experience with revmob too. After I "complained", it suddenly went up again. Even the downloads/day. When I started to go "hmmmmmmm", I decided to drop them and went with Chartboost all through out and never looked back. You can't go wrong with the transparency CB has. My account is relatively new so I just hope CB pays me what I have worked hard for.
@yattamove minimum threshold before they pay is $75
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Thanks bro. I knew that and I have passed that threshold long before. I think I need to wait 3 months before they pay me? Something about net?