How can i make a spring to make my player jump high
in Help Wanted
I am looking 4 some one help me please!
How to make a rule and what behavior is working good to make my player jump high ?
I realize how confusing explaining this could be and I can tell English isn't your first language so I included some pictures to help you.
First you go to the "Scene" tab in the Attributes section and adjust the gravity.
Make sure you create an actor for the spring. (I'm using a red square for the player and a white square for the spring)
Then add a "collide" Behavior to the player and set the actor to "Spring" (Or whatever you named the spring). This way your player won't be able to pass through the spring.
Then you would make a new Rule for the player and add a "collision" Condition to it. Set the actor the same as you did in the last step.
Now add an "acceleration" Behavior to the Rule you just created. Change the direction to 90 and the acceleration to your preference, I chose 7000. On the "Actor" tap in the Attributes section under "Physics" change the "Bounciness" attibute to 0
Final step, select the spring then look on the "Actor" tab in the Attributes section under "Physics" and change the "Bounciness" attribute to 0 and uncheck the "Movable" attribute
That should work!
It's work good . but spring bounce = 1
i really I appreciate your efforts
Thank you very much