- Critical Bug - Gamesalad Version 12.6 - Android Games freeze on minimizing the app
In 4 of my most popular games the game freezes after minimizing, this only happens on Android Devices.
I have cricital decrease in downloads within the period of the last update I build with 12.6 of game salad.
Please help to get some priority on that issue on this bug.
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When you minimize/close app and then restore the Tables do not load correctly (also scene changes freeze up). Ive had to go in an clear data, clear cache, and force stop to be able to reopen and retest.
I will note that It only occurs for me when hitting the phone's Back button (hardware). When hitting the Home button this bug did not occur.
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from @clee2005
I was referring to Android builds freezing. If I update my adhoc (I think @bigdave was talking about production) and then open the app it's frozen. I'm not clear if it's when the app was still in memory and it was updated, but if I uninstall the app and reinstall it'll work the first time. There is definitely freezing going on though. Happens every 1/5 times I'd say. Been going on since 0.12.x.x Could very well be a table issue that was mentioned by @back2code.
My Apps
I am also having this issue on Android. If you accidentally close or minimize the app and bring it back up, The app freezes upon clicking any scene change actor. Also upon re-opening, all my table data is not loading. Found this by accidentally closing app.
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