@KillerPenguinStudios said:
Really Andrea_Comisi, sry to call you out but you should be embarrassed to put this in here and to be calling it your game. You didn't even change the artwork. I'm sry but if your going to clone a game at least add in your own art work. I hate seeing this. This is worse than cloning, it's making an exact replica minus possibly changing the level design. Again, sry to call you out but come on! You should know better especially after spending some time on these forums!
Technically it's not a clone - it's an upload ready template.
I'm pretty sure it's a course. So he will have made the game, and the artwork is made available for the purpose of making the game. So while it's not exactly "his" game he's not done anything wrong.
@KillerPenguinStudios said:
Really Andrea_Comisi, sry to call you out but you should be embarrassed to put this in here and to be calling it your game. You didn't even change the artwork. I'm sry but if your going to clone a game at least add in your own art work. I hate seeing this. This is worse than cloning, it's making an exact replica minus possibly changing the level design. Again, sry to call you out but come on! You should know better especially after spending some time on these forums!
I get the artwork from gehelper so the game is fully mine
As for information i would say i only getted the image from gshelper but i make the logic so i didn't copy anithing beacuse the artwork was freely selled from gshelper so i can use them in a my game!!
@Tiny_Ideas said: sign Couldn't even leave this thread alone about it. Move on and stop harassing.
I was not harassing, I could not care less about what @Andrea_Comisi posts, and if you were to look at my comments you would see that I never directly told @Andrea_Comisi off for doing anything.
I was just informing her/him that people were not ganging up on her/him and had a valid point!!
No. I just know a lot of people. People spend money and time only to be critized about posting on a game of the month forum. The issue isn't with the developer but the template creators. The developers are just the ones who spent money to own the rights to use it. Would be nice for people to announce their games and get genuine feedback and none of this childish points expressing their opinions if they should announce it.
A simple PM would have been better than to do it all publicly.
@FallingBoxStudios said:
The point everyone was making was that it's not your original game (artwork and concept) so you shouldn't submit it for GOTM
That would disqualify a reasonable number of GotM submissions, and imply there's something wrong with using the GameSalad marketplace. Let's keep things in perspective here. How is this really any different than hiring someone to make artwork? Or buying a template?
Sure it shouldn't, in my opinion, win GotM, just as a game made from a template shouldn't. But he's got every right to submit it.
@Armelline This will be my last comment because this discussion is ruining the thread.
in my comment that you quoted I was just clarifying what @KillerPenguinStudios (rudely) said so that @Andrea_Comisi would understand that they were not ganging up on her
& you're comparing 2 different things.
What @Andrea_Comisi did was like - me buying a full game template off of DeepBlueApps's website and submitting it to game of the month as my own game + not even adding a twist to the gameplay or changing the name of the game or the logo.
I would like to apologise to @Andrea_Comisi (and anyone else I may have offended) if I was rude or came of the wrong way.
Technically it's not a clone - it's an upload ready template.
I'm pretty sure it's a course. So he will have made the game, and the artwork is made available for the purpose of making the game. So while it's not exactly "his" game he's not done anything wrong.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
There is nothing wrong here, It is a template to use for your own use. A simple PM would have been better.
"its business at the end of the day for some people" aha
So you used the graphics from GS Helper and did not even bother to change the name of the game, at least give them credit then...
there are some awesome games this month
well done all!
✮ FREE templates at GSinvention ✮
✮ Available for hire! support@gsinvention.com ✮
Dungeon Burglars is looking strong , had a play on it , was really good , great work @outlandishPIXEL
I get the artwork from gehelper so the game is fully mine
I didn't copy anything except the artwork getted from gshelper
I didn't copy anything except the artwork getted from gshelper
As for information i would say i only getted the image from gshelper but i make the logic so i didn't copy anithing beacuse the artwork was freely selled from gshelper so i can use them in a my game!!
This is the Jaildrop art pack http://gshelper.com/shop/gamesalad-templates/jail-drop-gshelper-complete-game-tutorial/
Thanks for your kind words guys!
Dig it!
Check out Good Puppy Dig at
For more information, visit http://www.goodpuppy.com/
@GoodPuppyGames seems well designed with great polish!
GOTM Submission:
Duck Jump: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/duck-jump/id909908028?mt=8
@GoodPuppyGames Looks awesome!!
The point everyone was making was that it's not your original game (artwork and concept) so you shouldn't submit it for GOTM
Not Spam aha but that dog game has got great potential , hows it going? @GoodPuppyGames
@Ed_-_Turret_Games Thank you! The puppy needs exposure, like any other game. Roger, the puppy, thanks you too.
sign Couldn't even leave this thread alone about it. Move on and stop harassing.
very good work guys
I was not harassing, I could not care less about what @Andrea_Comisi posts, and if you were to look at my comments you would see that I never directly told @Andrea_Comisi off for doing anything.
I was just informing her/him that people were not ganging up on her/him and had a valid point!!
At points I'm not sure anymore whether it isn't you trolling all the people with an opinion different than yours.
No. I just know a lot of people. People spend money and time only to be critized about posting on a game of the month forum. The issue isn't with the developer but the template creators. The developers are just the ones who spent money to own the rights to use it. Would be nice for people to announce their games and get genuine feedback and none of this childish points expressing their opinions if they should announce it.
A simple PM would have been better than to do it all publicly.
Anyway - can't wait for these other submissions
I apologies if it comes across as trolling or rude... just respect the fact that its up to gamesalad staff to determine if it's suitable or not.
That would disqualify a reasonable number of GotM submissions, and imply there's something wrong with using the GameSalad marketplace. Let's keep things in perspective here. How is this really any different than hiring someone to make artwork? Or buying a template?
Sure it shouldn't, in my opinion, win GotM, just as a game made from a template shouldn't. But he's got every right to submit it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline This will be my last comment because this discussion is ruining the thread.
in my comment that you quoted I was just clarifying what @KillerPenguinStudios (rudely) said so that @Andrea_Comisi would understand that they were not ganging up on her
& you're comparing 2 different things.
What @Andrea_Comisi did was like - me buying a full game template off of DeepBlueApps's website and submitting it to game of the month as my own game + not even adding a twist to the gameplay or changing the name of the game or the logo.
I would like to apologise to @Andrea_Comisi (and anyone else I may have offended) if I was rude or came of the wrong way.