please download latest version of gamesalad viewer
So I had this pop up error message when trying to run a project on gamesalad viewer yesterday. I checked version. I have .11.1.11.
But I downloaded the latest version and installed. (.11.1.11) anyways. but still get this error????
I have .12.4 creator
It worked fine before..... any thoughts. Thanks
We pull the 12.4 release to some very serious bugs. You should move to 0.12.6 or newer Release Candidate or move back to our stable release. Both the viewer and the creator have to be the exact same version number.
Thanks!!!!! Didnt know that.
So I downloaded the old version of gamesalad but made the project from the new version of creator. When I try and load my project it just says " Project made in a newer version of gamesalad" What do I do with that?
Send us a support ticket and we will help you revert back a version.
Thank you.
I will.