How to make a 'falling down' effect
Hello everyone !
I need help in making a 'falling down' effect as the title says . By falling down , i mean it in a way like how drunkards are clumsily walking . Im not sure if this is detailed enough but plz help . Thx
You already have a thread for this here:
Are you literally trying to just get someone to make the whole thing for you? A falling down effect is easy if you have the logic set up to control the person. But you don't, so what you're really saying is "I need someone to make for me a complete person with joints and independently moving limbs, and a control system, and for the person to be able to fall down, and the effect of him falling."
This type of game is going to be extremely difficult to make in GameSalad, so I'd strongly advise you either tackle a more approachable idea, or you break it down into much smaller chunks and tackle those chunks one at a time. Start perhaps by attempting to make a leg with moving knee. And do attempt it yourself first before asking, people are far more likely to help you with a problem than to just do something for you that you haven't even attempted.
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