Flappy bird award system? *with a twist ;)*
Well how would I do achieve this ? The Gold, Silver, Bronze and no award? I want my point system to be like this 1500 points and over I want you to get Gold, 1400-1000 points you get silver, 900-600 points you get bronze and anything less 500 points or less you get no award. What I have in my game is like to see your progress I have an info button which will list your awards. My game has levels and you get little awards depending on how many points you have for each level. So this is how I would like the info section of my app to look like
Gold 9 ,
Silver 17 ,
Bronze 23 ,
No award 3
Also if you do beat your old score (between 1400-100 points which is silver) and get 1500 points plus which will give you a gold award it would roll over to gold so it would like this
Gold 10 ,
Silver 16
Hope you understand what I'm trying to achieve ! Thank you
very confused lol
@zweg25 something like this http://www.askalo.info/english/images/award_system.png . But! I want it to be one row. See how the bronze , silver & gold are placed on on the far right with the numbers ?
So no awards for 1,400 to 1,500 points, no awards for 900 to 1,000 points and no awards for 500 to 600 points ?
So if you get a gold award (let's say 1,800 points) and then a silver award (let's say 1,200 points) you would have 3,000 points . . . . . . your awards would be Gold 1 - Silver 1 . . . . . but if you played exactly the same but got the silver award first, then you got the Gold award on the next go, your awards would only be Gold 1 - Silver 0 ?
Even stranger, if you got a gold award (again, let's say 1,800 points) and then a silver award (again 1,200 points) you would have 3,000 points and two awards . . . . . . but if you first got silver at 1,400 and then Gold at 10,000 points (both much better scores) you would end up with only one award as the silver would rolled over !?
Maybe I don't understand it properly but it seems confusing

In addition to what @Socks said, this seems to be another "I have a feature-set I want implemented into my game, someone please do it" question.
Break your problem down. What part of this do you need help with?
If you ask a narrower question you'll find you'll get many more helpful responses. Still feels like a "make my game for me" question.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline whats up with you & your assumptions? I'm not asking anyone to make my game for me ? Where did you get that from? Its just that I'm having trouble with with my info section of my game.. My game has 50 levels .. Did I ask anyone on here to do it for me? .-. -_-. Isn't this a forum I'm allowed to ask for help aren't I? If I wanted to I could asked for someone to make my 50 levels of my game & I wouldn't be breaking any terms and conditions cause again I am asking for help.
@socks uh well maybe if you could help me with this .. Okay you know in flappy bird how you are given gold, silver, bronze & no award based of the points you make? How would I achieve just that? Maybe I could figure out how to do the rest on my own.. I'm having problems with that that's why.
I get it from your posts. Your questions almost always boil down to "I want to do this large amount of stuff. How do I do it?" That isn't a question someone can reasonably answer. I could respond to your initial question like this:
But what I've learned from your previous posts is that you will then probably ask how to compare the score to the threshholds. After that's explained, you'll ask how to store the score in the table, and then how to read the score from the table.
I'm not saying don't ask for help. I'm saying boil your problem down to one aspect, not a whole system. Don't ask "How do I set up this entire score system?"
Instead, ask "I've been setting up this score system, but I can't get it to display the data in my table correctly. This is what I'm doing, and here are the rules I'm using. This is the outcome I'm expecting, and this is the outcome I'm getting."
Do you see the difference? The easier you make it to help you, the more help you'll get.
The answer to your last question (though your last question is still essentially "How do I build a car?") is to make a rule that says:
What you're doing is taking the score the player achieved, checking if it's better than their current high score for that level. If it is, you're then checking if it's high enough for gold. If so, you're recording that gold was achieved. If not, you're checknig if it's high enough for silver, then for bronze, and if it's below 500 you're recording that no trophy is awarded.
I'm not sure what you mean about the rolling over, but you may need to add in some rules to also record the number of each trophy awarded if you're needing that information.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@armeline thanks
@Armelline do I need to make one for each level?