An idea for advertising our games!

debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hi everyone,

I've got to know quite a few of you over the past few weeks and there are a lot of good games coming out soon...

With this in mind I had a thought for some free advertising for our games...

What we do is when your game is nearing completion, we post a 'due date' on a sticky thread...

Then on your game you add a 'More Games' button to your app (usually to advertise your other apps) but if you only have a couple of apps, why not do an 'Advert Swap' with another developer on here, this way people can see what other games are on offer...

When you create you game, create a separate advert image (480 x 320) with 'Search For [your app]'

Contact other devs and see if we can cross-advertise our games.

Just a thought...



  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    Good idea!
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    yes good idea, this will require the pro license of course and im sure the majority here only have the express license
  • debugdesigndebugdesign Member Posts: 886
    not really... Pro users can use the URL forwarding but express can just put

    "Search for Quizicards on the App Store Today"
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    yeh granted, providing your app name is unique enough, otherwise people may get the wrong one, nothing like a click to take you there directly ;)
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    I think it's a great idea. Kind of a like a co-op or a spin on what Gathering of Developers had; looseknit bunch of developers looking out for their own interests rather than the publishers. Only without Take 2 trying to put the damper on things...
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Heh... or you could just wait for AdMob support and then use the house ads feature.
  • iDeveloperziDeveloperz Member Posts: 1,169
    Yeh thats what me and vml do.
  • mrfunkleberrymrfunkleberry Member Posts: 424
    How about adding a screen for If i create iphone and ipad graphics would you guys use them?
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    @ MrF: I know I would. No such thing as bad publicity and your site is done up top notch.
  • mrfunkleberrymrfunkleberry Member Posts: 424
    Cool Rattlehead. and thanks. A couple of people have emailed me saying they'd add it to their games too. Why didn't we think of this before! I shall create the graphics later today.
  • RattleheadRattlehead Member Posts: 485
    I think it is in this communities best interest to support each other when it comes to sales so I think cross-advertisting makes sense.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    count me in!
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I'll promote saladgamers :)
  • vegasmike1vegasmike1 Member Posts: 192
    I love this idea, but how about an app that we update once a month, where we show what we call new and noteworthy or just new, all the games made that month by us humble and hungry GS app makers, Each month there is a cut off date, if you game was approved an on the store, we simply put the Icon for the app, a description its URL and post it as a Magazine, we could include some cool ideas, tricks and tips for players, heck even a cheat or two. People could email into a contest, and they might win a promo code, each developer saves one code to give away, people email a central location, we have a drawing for each game that was placed, from the emails we get, and send them a promo code. Update each month and post it. If the folks at GS add IAdd to the mix we could include that little ditty in the app, of course its free, (for now) There would be no internal rating system, its just an addapp. We could add some cool stuff like Developer Bios, a pic, and a simple statement, or something like that. If possible we could even sell some ad space to sponsors, people who sell accessories for the Idevices........ wait a minute while I type this I am getting more convinced that this could be very cool, why has this not been done before, and if it has, where is the app that is like this.
    GS would benefit, and maybe they would DONATE one copy of the pro version to the developer who would do this consolidation of apps and copy, and give that developer the pro version for free, under the fact that it can only be used for this purpose and not for any other purpose but then we would all get the link factor and advertising.

    This is a good idea.

    Who wants to do this. If enough people contact me, I will do it. I am sure that Apple would love it, and I think users would look forward to it as well, and I can not see why GS would not support the effort, in fact they might want to do this themselves.

    I will be happy to support any other GS game makers in my apps.

    Mike..... contact me lets see where this can go.
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