Rescuing the Save Keys
Quick question here:
I'm coming back to a project I worked on some time ago and it's a bigger game, but everything was managed by save/load attributes instead of tables. As you can imagine, they are spread all across the app logic.
I would like to hunt down all the save keys, to know what is being saved and where, in order to be able to finish the project. Is there a way to display all of the save keys somehow, either in the Editor, or pulling them during runtime? Or is it necessary to go through all of the game logic manually and write them out, one by one?
Don't think that is possible. I always go to the Attributes panel and highlight the attribute and click the "-" button it will then ask you if you want to delete it and give you a list of actors it is in. At least you will know where to find them.
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I don't know if this can help you, but you can "right click" your project and select "show package contents" and then go to "scenes" folder ( your scenes in xml format ).
Here you can open any xml file with an editor and search for Load Attribute/Save Attribute behaviours.
Cool, thanks for the tips, @colander, @jeezzcake!
Unfortunately the project uses a lot of actor attributes, so it will still be quite a lot of manual work, but at least I can cross-check it this way! Ah well -- that's why I don't build new projects like that anymore, but manage almost everything with tables!
Hmm, extracting the data from xml files...I'll give it a go, but unfortunately it might not make it much easier in this situation -- the key names are mostly dynamic, as in:"_lives" -- and so I'll still have to manually assign the self.names of everything once I extract the data.
Onto trying these out, cheers!