How do I make health bar + game score moving with player ?
How do I move my health bar around the scene with my player in corner of camera control inside scene ?
also game score and control buttons ? like any normal game on iPhone
How do I move my health bar around the scene with my player in corner of camera control inside scene ?
also game score and control buttons ? like any normal game on iPhone
if you go into the scene and click on the scene tab then go to layers you can make a layer that doesn't scroll, put that layer on top and put your items in it
Create a New layer and name it controllers
Put all that should move with the camera in the new layer
move the layer above the existing layer and remember to uncheck the box
Check your camera range and insure your background and fixed and not movable.
Fixed items should stay in the original layer
Thank you for your help
I did all what you says but it's still not working
health bar disappeared completely when i preview my game
Make sure your non movable layer is in the bottom left section of your scene
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I did
Is your health bar positioned on the lower left size of the whole game scene?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
No it's on the upper left .
I just placed my health bar on corner of camera control area in the scene . Should i do something else ?
Place it on the lower left hand side of your whole scene.
HUD actor only show up when placed on the default game camera position.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Health bar successfully appeared .. (*)
wohooo Thank you so much !
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Try placing it in the very bottom left as @raycur09 suggests and test whether it shows up.
If it does, adjust the up/down position as necessary, to have it in the right position.
EDIT: Ah, resolved.
Thank u for ur help
it's worked