Animation help please.
In our game, a character catches objects. Whenever it catches an object, an animation occurs with 3 separate images. Catching, eating and then back to original image. In order to accomplish this, we actually did not use the Animation behaviour. Instead, we used "Change Image" and made a rule so that ever x amount of seconds, it changes the image until it reverts back to the original. This proved to be much better and precise as opposed to the animation which always happened too quickly, or had some glitches affecting the collision or not working due to the collision. The Change Image behaviour works and we're happy with that. We did the same thing with the character animation whenever it misses the object. Change image to sad expression, then back to original.
However, there is one thing that we hoped to do, yet does not. We wanted the character to look as though it was bobbing up and down when stationary, and its tail would invert each time it does so. It would just be too separate images. We created the second image by using the original image, only changing it by adjusting the tail differently, and basically squishing the image. Once we put both images in the animation attribute however, the second image where the character should be squished, is actually larger than the first image. We want it to be on the same scale as the first. We've tried manually changing the image size, both inside and outside of GameSalad, but we cannot seem to get it to work. We don't have this problem with any of the other animation sequences.