Please help with a score issue i have =)

hello game salad member!
i am in Dev with an app of mine . almost finished except i ran into a wall and i am looking to break through this wall some time soon . so eny response quickly is greatly appreciated =)
my question is .. .. i have an actor the states every time you click on it its adds to your collection (score). but i want to make it to were every three items you collect it adds to your actual score .
now i know you can set it up to were
if attribute game-(score) =3
to change attribute game (score2) to game(score2)+1

i have done this and it works obviously , so the root to my question is how do i get it to make every three items(score) add to main (score) with out having to have multiple rules in the one actor . so i guess what i am asking is , is there a way to have every three items add to score continuously like =3 +1 =6+1=9+1 so on .

i hope this help you for a good understanding if you need more detail please let me know and thanks for taking the time to read .
god bless

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