3D art in 2D game
I was wondering have any of ya'll used a 3D model as a character? I set one up and am doing a rough test to try it out...I like it so far. I made and colored the guy with Sculptris and animated him in Blender. I still have to do a jump animation...I also front and back shots for like a 3D world view but I have not put that in...
Use Left/Right keys to move and space to Jump
Good job buti suggest to remove the glitter in the flappy man and make it more squared in the foot
I'm not too sure about the character - having a bird head as a torso and human legs is really weird and creepy
I really don't mean to sound rude, just some constructive criticism
lol...I know it looks wierd. As for the glitter that would be my lighting reflecting off the body...I could not eliminate the shadows so I had to add more lights...There is something I can try but I will do that later...
It's not un-common to use pre-rendered 3D images in 2D games, go for it!
http://jamie-cross.net/posts/ ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
That is light specular. It depends on how you set up the material, the 'texture' on your 3D model. High specular materials usually make the result look like cheap plastic (as is the case in this situation, IMO).
I suggest you take some time off from modeling and lighting and take time to familiarize yourself with texture work. Generally, that is at least 50% of the effort to make a 3D model look good. With good texturing, you can do magic even with a relatively low-poly model (which isn't anything you need to worry about with GS, as you are pre-rendering everything).
Quite a good example: http://www.creativebloq.com/3d/how-create-low-poly-3d-models-121310159
Left and right is the same 3D model. Texturing makes a world of a difference.
Interesting...I shall look into that. Thanks for the input
I made almost my entire game using 3D models Characters,Blocks,Background,ETC all with Blender.
Yes it is possible to use 3D art and animation with GameSalad. In fact for my upcoming game I have done all of the artwork and animation using a 3D program entitled MAYA.
My 3D animations play smoothly inside GameSalad at 24 FPS.
Below is a screen shot of my 3D models and artwork inside GameSalad.
Screen Shot of game running in GameSalad at 60FPS.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Wow...lol...That looks pretty good.
Both of yours does...I don't think I'm near that good.
Thanks! I went to college specifically for digital arts, 3D character modeling, animation, texturing etc. Also I spend 6-8 hours a day Monday – Friday practicing my craft and working with GameSalad. # **Honestly, GameSalad is an amazing tool for artist and game designers. **
I want to push GameSalad as far as I can. I have some really interesting projects lined up using pre rendered 3D images and animation.
Lastly, I will be releasing a short game play preview within the next week or two. This will allow you to see the 3D animation that I have done within the game and how smoothly GameSalad handles it. I have been impressed!
As you will see you can create some amazing in game animations with pre rendered 3D images.
Use GameSalad daily and keep asking questions and you will be amazed at how much you will learn about game design with GameSalad. Good Luck completing your game!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
Awsome. Can't wait to see your work...
The images and animations for Pirate Poker, currently in the late stages of development, are rendered entirely in 3D. Plus, here's a sample of older "project" which was created with 3D characters -- fully rendered in .png animation sequences. There's no real game development at this point, because it's been shelved for nearly two years now. But it may give you some ideas on what can be done with 3D software. Hopefully this project won't be put on hold forever.
Some nice work. Cool to see what can be done with 3d software
And free software, if you can believe that
yeah lol...any suggestions other than Blender and Sculptris? I'm messing around with a few
There's obviously many expensive programs out there, (I use some of them) but this project is being done completely in Daz Studio.
You can rig the characters you sculpt in Blender or Scultpris in Daz, or create dial-up morphs for them. Creating bones, customizing creations, photographing and animating is fairly easy, and there are tons of videos out there which can teach you what you need. It's a very user friendly program once you get used to it.