There are a bunch of ways of doing this, but the one I like is to constrain the actor to a sine wave so you get a nice smooth transition . . .
Constrain width to AAA *sin(self.time *BBB)+CCC
Constrain height to width
AAA = how much you want the actor to grow and shrink by in pixels.
BBB = how fast you want the growth to be.
CCC = the base size of the object.
So for example if we use 30 *sin(self.time *100)+200 . . . the actor will start out at 200 x 200 pixels, grow to 230 x 230 pixels and then down to 170 x 170 pixels and then up to 230 x 230 and then down to 170 x 170 pixels . . . and so on.
There are a bunch of ways of doing this, but the one I like is to constrain the actor to a sine wave so you get a nice smooth transition . . .
Constrain width to AAA *sin(self.time *BBB)+CCC
Constrain height to width
AAA = how much you want the actor to grow and shrink by in pixels.
BBB = how fast you want the growth to be.
CCC = the base size of the object.
So for example if we use 30 *sin(self.time *100)+200 . . . the actor will start out at 200 x 200 pixels, grow to 230 x 230 pixels and then down to 170 x 170 pixels and then up to 230 x 230 and then down to 170 x 170 pixels . . . and so on.