High score On multiple levels?
Well I'm just about done with game but I saw my high score counter wasn't working properly because I made it a game. attribute instead of a self. attribute. Therefore it just counts if you beat the score on any level (Like one big highscore) rather than each individual high score to be set to each level? How would I fix this problem?
I've tried some stuff not to any success I tried to make self.attributes in my "controller" actor and tried to replace all the game.Final scores and game.Highscores with the self.Final scores and game.Highscores. But that didn't work it worked for the Final score but not for the Highscore
I have 50 levels if that is to any help
. Be free to ask any questions ! Thanks 
Save them to a table and use the level number as the row number and display it from the table.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
@colander thanks
From my previous response in the other thread you made about this issue:
Read the responses you get thoroughly and you'll not need to make so many threads.
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