Can't keep any data in Table!
Somebody help me, please!
I'm trying to create a Mario Style game now, the course has a lot of actors (floors, walls, blocks, lifts, and so on…) as you know.
So, I made the table which contains data for setting up the course. When the game beginning, the set-up-stage-actor will load the data and spawn actors on the scene. That's my plan.
But I can't keep any data in the table, even if I save the project.
When I open the project, I can find the table, but it doesn't have any data.
I don't know why...
My GameSalad version is 0.12.0 beta, License is Pro.
Does anybody solve this problem? Thanks.
Are you using the Save Table action after the Change Table Value action?
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to colander
No, I directly input data in the table.
@machappli use the @ symbol in front of a user name when you refer to them so they are alerted.
All table input must be done with the Change Table Value action and saved with the Save Table action. Do a search on how to use tables in gamesalad and it will tell you how to do it.
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Thanks. Do you mean I can't prepare any data in the table before running the project?
I can understand I have to use Save Table action after using Change Table Value action, for example updating high-score.
But in my case, I have to keep data in the table for setting up the scene, before running the project.
I think my GameSalad doesn't work well. Do you know how I can fix it?
Yes you can manually enter data or import a csv file into a table in Creator. If this is not working or Creator is somehow deleting the data report a bug in the bug database.
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In the first place, I would suggest updating to the latest version, 0.12.6
There were some issues with tables earlier on, but most have been resolved and personally I am using tables without any big issues.
If it still doesn't work in the newest version, submit a bug to GS at, as @colander suggested.
I solved my problem by updating version to 0.12.6