Actors don t collide where i want them to collide

I didn t test that much that s because I didn t saw that something is wrong.
So I have an rectangle moving with x velocity! Then I placed an object it is triangle with the one pike on the bottom of it.
So when my actor is moving to this rectangle it is colliding not were the object begins. It is colliding where the with and the hight of the objects starts. So when you would have an red triangle that is having the width and the hight of your monitor. It is shown on your screen then it would collide were the screen begins. I know there is an option under option under physics. You can choose Collision Shape rectangle and Circle. But thats not what I want. I want that the moving actor collides where the object begins.
How can I do that?
BTW I am using png images.

Best Answer

  • DesertMoonDesertMoon Posts: 3
    Accepted Answer

    What does your logic look like? The more specific you can be, the more likely you are to get a helpful answer.


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