Using "Search Table" to find nearby spawns of the same actor
Hey there-
I have a scenario where I'd like to find other nearby spawns of the same actor in realtime. I have all their attributes (unique char id, live x y, hp, etc) in tables but can't figure out how to use the search feature in this way. Here's the example:
- Actor ID-1 is on a path and gets within 50 px of Actor ID-2
- Actor ID-1 automatically begins battle sequence with Actor ID-2
Keep in mind that these are different spawns of the same I can't just do "when overlaps with actor type". I also need to know where in the table the nearby actor is (so I can use its unique char ID).
Any recommendations? Thanks guys!
If you have the XY coordinates, you can use the Magnitude function in the expression editor, which measures the distance in points between actors.