Resolution Confusion
Apparently the best way of creating an iPhone game to fit well on all devices (iPhone 4s - iPhone 5 & 5S - iPhone 6 & 6+ - iPad & iPad mini) is to create the game in iPad size.
But I'm a bit confused as to how you do this.
So you create the graphics double the size you want them to be on an iPad screen? does that mean that it will be retina ready on an iPhone 5/6 and you don't need to make different graphics for different devices?
And how does this help making the game universal?
Cheers -
You make your images 2x on whatever platform you are creating your game on.
I created a game on iPhone 5 with 2x graphics and used Overscan to create a UB. I published it in January and it was accepted by Apple.
It is magnified to fit other devices and looks fine but I wouldn't do another game on a small platform. I now use iPad or 720p HD depending on what type of game I am making. The image quality will always be better decreasing magnification as opposed to increasing it. Because those platforms are bigger they are easier to work with however if you are creating a really large game file size may become an issue.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
@colander Thanks for the great info
I'm now going to start my game on an iPad platform - so I just make the graphics once? (2x the iPad size)
Yes that's all you have to do.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
@colander Thanks!