Gamesalad problem on mac
Hello well I'm not sure if anyone saw one of the threads about me getting a mac for gamesalad. Well i got it and everything is all set up but I tried to install Gamesalad on it but its saying I need at least 10.7 mac os x but I only have 10.6.8 mac os x..Someone on here recommended on here to just get the $200 mac mini since I'm only using it just for gamesalad and gamesalad only ... (other than that I'm a windows user) .. So is there a way to fix this or can someone by any chance give the version that works for 10.6.8 mac os x .. Please help
Learn about the system requirements for OS X Mavericks.
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch, Early 2009 or later)
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later),
MacBook Pro (15-inch or 17-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later)
MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
Mac mini (Early 2009 or later)
Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
Xserve (Early 2009)
Your Mac also needs:
2 GB or more of memory
8 GB or more of available space
According to this from Apple site you only need v10.6.8 already installed to get Maverick so just check for updates.
To check for software updates on a Mac, go to the Apple Menu and choose the option Software Update...
You can also go to the Macintosh App Store Application (should be in your Applications folder) and search for OS X Mavericks. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Something like this wouldn't work? @jamie_c and @bbenk ...
I'm confused do you have a mac already?
and no read above needs to be Early 2009 and up.
@bbnk yeah that's the one I have right now... I told him it wouldn't work because the OP system is to old.. But looks like were going to return it & get the one I original suggested. Thanks
@http_gamesalad Check out these people. I have bought all sorts of things from them over the years. They are reliable and have a good reputation. You will surely find something suitable there. You may have to spend a touch more, like $300, but that includes shipping, a warranty and Mac OSX already installed.
@philipcc it looks like it they only sell parts
I got my macbook 2009 from MacofallTrades...It came with os x snow leopard. I had to update it to os x mavericks to get gamesalad. Had trouble with the hard drive so they sent me another one. Everything works now
i didn't tell you to buy a 200$ mac i say "i bought a 200$ mac mini from a friend that make me a discount( the original price was 400$)"!!
otherwise try to install mavericks from the apple app store
If you are buying a mac, you want to make sure you have one that supports mavericks to keep yourself future proof. You never know when apple will change the minimum requirements for xcode like they did a few years ago.
if you buy anything older, you're setting yourself up for a problem down the road.
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Check the 3rd item down on the Home Page.

It will take you to a list of suitable Mac Minis.
Armed with @jonmulcahy 's list you should be set. :