About making a scene contain a word " loading "
Am working to create a game these days but am wondering of making a scene contains a word " loading " like any game on any device
I hope u understand me
Where should i place that scene or is it important to make it ??
Best Answers
pHghost London, UKPosts: 2,342
You mean "Loading" when you start the game up? If so, you upload the loading screen on the GS Publishing Portal.
jeezzcake Posts: 144
You can try this:
Suppose you have a boolean game attribute called startGame.
- create a loading image with "loading..." text in it;
- cover the main menu scene with this image and set its Alpha to 0;
- in the loading image actor ( change the gameStart attribute to false, and put a rule that says when gameStart is true set Alpha to 1 else set Alpha to 0);
- in the main menu scene you have a play button ( put a rule : when touch is pressed change the game attribute startGame to true, and a timer after 1 sec change scene to your game scene);
Hope i've made my self understood.
Thank you
Yeah . and wt about " loading" between levels or scenes of my game ?
the same way ?
Thank you it's work good _