Trouble downloading GS, please help!
in Help Wanted
When I try to download Gamesalad, I do somehow get an older version, thus making GS crash when I try to preview. Does anyone know an answer to this and/or other things I should try to make it work?
WHat version do you have now and what version are you receiving from the download?
Also, are you on a Mac or PC? And what is the exact download link you are trying?
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It's a PC, a Packard Bell to be exact. I'm not sure what version, but the only visual difference is two icons on the switch allowing to move camera position. The dowload link is just the regular one on the main screen.
It could be the template/game you are using. Its also not unusual for GS to hang for a few seconds/minute before waking up, if you have an underpowered unit.
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Ok, thanks for the help, but I've managed (somehow) to download the correct version.