problem when Reset the scene
hello ,
I have a little problem and i don't have any idea about what to do
i created a rule :
when health bar = or < 0
then reset the scene .
okay the scene has been reset but player health bar disappeared and every things have been freezed !
what can i do ?
Did you reset any other attributes your game needs to run?
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
No,how can i do that ? i want more details , please
I don't know you created your game, are there any attributes you set when you first start your game that will also need resetting when you reset the scene?
You really need to give a lot more details. The information you gave in your op doesn't tell anyone much and we are left to guess what it could be. You could upload screen shots of your rules where you think the problem is or better still a test project.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
oh sorry, yeah you're right
i have a player , moveable monsters and gems also health bar
they all working good but when the scene set
every things are freeze player didn't move also monsters ?!
and health bar disappeared ?
here are my screen shots :
monsters rules :
health bar :
i hope that's clear
I can't see much you will have to upload a test project showing the problem for me or someone else to find out what is going on.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
if you have a health attribute in your game and it gets to say 50 when you use reset game it will still be 50. so in the reset rule you will need a change attribute that will change it back to 100.
Reset Game just puts all the actors back in default position all attributes need to be set back with a change attribute.
Reset Game will set all back to default actors and attributes.
Okey i 'll let it the last solution
Thank u i 'll try this ^^