How Can I scrool through a scene?
in Help Wanted
I have been working on an app called Candy Toss in gamesalad and wanted to update my menu. I wanted it to be scrool able with a swipe of you finger like in some games I have seen. I am not a pro at GameSalad but know some about it. Here is a screen shot of the menu and you can see that in the image the scene is very long for a purpose to scrool throught it.
Here is the Picture.
Here's some info on the app! -
Thanks Please Respond ASAP as I really want to get this done!
Can somebody please help me
Search for: "Cover flow for gamesalad"
We have a free one over at DBA and also a scroll around scene if you don't want to restrict the Y position.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I will try this and see if it works thanks
does not work