Need help making a enemy go from left to right on a ledge.
Hi , I need help with making an enemy go right to left or left to right; I just need it to stay on a ledge and go back and forth on the ledge , that's it. I also checked the How's and the Faq's still no help.
Please help with be greatly appreciated.
Please help with be greatly appreciated.
To your enemy actor add "change velocity" - set the direction you want it to go - so if your character is at the left - set direction to right (0 would be right - 180 would point left) add a speed 40 (you can change this to your liking). Set relative to actor.
Now add a timer - set for Every 10 seconds (again, to your liking - the speed and secs will determine how fast it moves and when it turns)
In the timer add a "change attribute".
From the first field (...) select your actor (self) and set it to "self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X".
In the "to:" area do the same but place minus (-) before it (- self.Motion.Linear Velocity.X)
Your guy should now go back and forth at a set pace
EDIT - okay what iDeveloperz said!!
olease help.