FEATURE REQUEST: Add filters or folders for quick access to images and actors
Add filters or folders for easy access to images and actors. I think this is something everyone can benefit from.
vote for it here
Add filters or folders for easy access to images and actors. I think this is something everyone can benefit from.
vote for it here
I would happily pay for a basic folder system, but for actors too !
How do you vote ?
I would bet my left hand on that the GS team have thought of adding a folder system in the upcoming new multi platform creator (that we probably have to wait for for quite a long time still). I would also bet my right arm on that we (unfortunately) will never see folders in any upcoming version of the current creator.
@Socks great suggestion I added actors to it too. Here is the link
And Attributes!
@Socks -- Voting is sadly for Pro users only at the moment.
Ah, I see, no problem, I will hopefully be returning to Pro soon anyhow.
I gave up waiting for GS to add simple things like folders a long time ago
Question for anyone who knows the answer - Why is it that GS is so slow adding the most simplest of features like custom fonts?
Cause what may sound simple is really not if the foundation is built in a way that does not support such features and that is the case here. The GS team has explained before that adding fonts to their creator is very complex. It's really sad but that's how it is.
Yes, unfortunately, as @MarcMySalad says -- it's not just adding a couple fonts. The whole way text it implemented at the moment is broken, and to fix it, the complete text part of the engine needs to be re-done.
I would love to have more possibilities with text as it would open up a lot of new games and apps you could do with GS, but it will probably be a long wait yet.