Moving Background
I'm making a simple game with no cartoon actors-- just a background. I want an endless background and it should move only when I swipe downwards (in the y direction). Later I want to calculate the distance.
Can anyone help. I have my menu for the app and everything setup. It's just the gameplay that's left. Can anyone help me or at least give me the direction or links I should go through to help me. I'd really appreciate it.
Did you try wrapping the screen?
Following up on what Rabid has suggested, here is a quick example of what wrapping the Y would look like.
I don't have the Wrap options
That's exactly what I want on the iPhone. But I have two actors. One for when the game starts and one that runs infinitely. What I want is that after I swipe downwards and the first actor finishes the second actor keeps running infinitely as i swipe it downwards. Basically a drag like this
I found the options. What should I do. I want to swipe downwards so the first actor background goes down and instantly followed by an infinite background that I too have to keep swipping
Select the Wrap Y now you've found the attribute. Then simply look at the demo I put together and learn and copy the rules ive put in them. I never made you a template to tell you how to do it straight after! The idea of me making you a template is so you can learn from it and understand the process!
The best thing to do is make a new project and try to simulate what I have built for you in a blank project. When you have got it working the same, then try and implement those rules in your game to work in a way you want them to.
Im sure my rules are not exactly what you want so you may have to adapt them to fit what you want. This is the learning part.
Best of luck.
Perfect: I've got it to move when I swipe downwards, I used a different method of setting up new attributes, now when I press and release it goes down. Update on the post, I hope you're able to help on this one: