Un-scrollable top layer not working??

LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

Hi there,

I am trying to make a top layer for my left/right/up/down touch buttons - a layer that does not scroll so that they stay on screen while the camera moves through the game. Simple enough. I have just two layers - all the artwork for the game is just in the one layer, then I have a top layer that is reserved just for these touch buttons. This top layer is at the top of my list of layers, just in case GameSalad works like Photoshop. This layer has scroll-ability set to false (unchecked), while the background layer's scroll-ability is set to true. The button actors in question are 'sent to front', so they shouldn't be hiding behind anything.

However, when I preview, my top layer buttons do not show at all. Then when I go back to the scene editor, the actor is still on screen but the picture has disappeared, as if it has magically lost opacity. In fact it seems anything that I do not put on the 'background' layer becomes invisible. Can anyone think of anything else that might be going wrong?



  • ApprowApprow Member Posts: 703

    very strange... try creating a new top layer, or accidentally unchecked visible?

  • LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

    tried/checked both of those things :( still nothing... don't know what's going on. Definitely don't want to start again in a new document if I can help it, as the entire game is finished, I was actually just converting it from desktop use to IOS, so I was changing the movement functions from being keyboard based to being touch based.

  • ApprowApprow Member Posts: 703

    @Lokitoes‌ can you pm me and send the project? I can have a quick look at it to see whats wrong:)

  • LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187
    edited October 2014

    Hi @Approw

    Sorry I've only just seen your reply! Will send through soon. :) Thanks!

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    Make sure the non scrollable layer is at the top in the scene editor

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited October 2014

    @colander said:
    Make sure the non scrollable layer is at the top in the scene editor

    Non scrollable layers can be anywhere, you can have one at the bottom four in the middle and a couple or the top if you want ! :smile:

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
    edited October 2014

    If you drag a layer from the top down below the background layer and the background layer is covered by an image you wont be able to see the layer below.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @colander said:
    If you drag a layer from the top down below the background layer and the background layer is covered by an image you wont be able to see the layer below.

    Ah ! Yes ! I see what you mean now ! :smile:

  • MantoManto Member Posts: 796

    I remember having problems with un-scrollable layers a long time ago. It might be that you're placing the actors outside the area of the camera, so that GS thinks you want to have them outside of the camera. You'll have to place them near the bottom left corner (the origin of a GS game).

    A good way to place the actors properly is to move the camera to the bottom left corner and place the buttons, then move it back to where it was.

  • LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

    OH my giddy Aunt!

    @Manto1 I can't believe it was that simple......... thanks!

  • lonzzy007lonzzy007 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2018

    Same thing happened me.

    It’s a bug/glitch in the software. All new project start in the same place and when you make the scene bigger it’s goes from the 0,0 point (bottom left corner). The bug is when you move the origin of the camera start on a bigger map it’s all works. Until you use a HUD ( unscrollable ) you need to still put your HUD minimal and arrows keys and so on in the original bottom left part of the scene.

    Should fix your problem.

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