Interpolate score problem
Hello well I'm having a serious issue with this cool interplate score that Tshirt booth made (link ) ... Instead of touching something to interpolate the score I want my final score and high score to interplate once you've beaten the level... I can't seem to get it working.. Hope you understand what I'm trying to achieve
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@Armelline well he said to make an old score attribute which I did.. so instead of the touch is pressed I said when
1. = 1
2. game. final score < old score
3. interpolate game. final score to old score for 1 second.. I know that probably makes no sense
This is how I want my score and high score to interpolate skip to the very end when they count up the score
And in what way is it not working? What happens when is 1?
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@armlline you beat the level
@Armelline *
What I mean is, you say it isn't working. It's supposed to be triggered by game.Win = 1. So what does happen when game.Win = 1, if you what you want?
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Oh okay! When = 1 the score and high score pop up ! (which works perfectly thanks to you guys
) but instead of the numbers just popping up I thought it would be cool if they count up @Armelline
Counted up *
bump ?
I'm not exactly sure what is not working? I know you expect the numbers to count up from like 1 to 5, but what is happening in your project? can you post screenshots of the rules and maybe a video of what is going on?
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@jonmulcahy okay thanks I will
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@The_Gamesalad_Guru thanks
that's what I was looking for! I'll give you some feed back on it later tonight when I get home
If that video answers your question then once again the question you were asking bears no resemblance to the explanations you gave in asking it...
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru @Armelline @jonmulcahy I really can't post it cause I've not achieved it.. Like what I'm trying to achieve is an interpolating final score and high score . Currently my score and high score just pops up when I tell it to spawn. But instead of it saying for example 100 I would like it to do something like 1 , 2 , 3 .... 97 , 98 , 99, 100 you know interpolating up instead of spawn.. I've tried to show you .. like in the TShirt Booth video! I want it to work exactly like that but instead of when touch is pressed for the example he used for it to interplate I want it interpolate when game. win = 1
cause when game. win = 1 it'll spawn the score and highscore and then I want the scores to start adding up
You seem to be saying here that when the game is won (when game.Win = 1), you are checking if score is less than game old score. And if it is, you're interpolating score to the value of game.old score. This should work. First I'd check that you're actually displaying score, not game.old score, and if you are you really need to show us some screen shots of your rules.
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What's the problem just add when win= 1 as the rule condition to begin the interpolate. Sounds like you could benefit from watching my GS logic series. It will help you understand how to build code.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Armelline in the video Tshirt booth made this game.attribute integer called old score. I don't want the score to interplate when it's less than old score. I want it to interplate every time the score and high score shows up.
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@Armelline @The_Gamesalad_Guru @jonmulcahy
@Armelline @The_Gamesalad_Guru @jonmulcahy I played around this and now it interpolates but it counts down to 0... and it has a bunch of decimal points..
Make sure you use the floor function as I show in the video. Where are you logging the score? Is the old score the score at the end of the game?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@The_Gamesalad_Guru I don't have custom fonts in my game. I'm using the one gamesalad proved cause it's pretty close to what I want! & I don't understand by "where i'm logging the score" sorry. I have a display text that is game.Final score which shows my score and I have another one game. High score which displays my high score if that's what you mean