App Freezing in creator
I updated my OS to mavericks a while back, and also updated gamesalad last week, i returned to an app i have been working on recently but not for a month or so, and after about 3 seconds it just crashes (when i run the game in preview).
i tried different scenes and all the ones that include complex actor movements etc seem to crash, it also appears that the images are not being loaded as instead of my character it would be a white box, but everything is in order as i have not changed a thing before updating it and it working flawlessly prior.
Looked for errors in what i may have done in actors etc, but cannot find anything. and like i said worked before hand and i have not changed anything?
Any ideas?
I'm not sure about the crashing , but the actors showing up as white boxes is a pretty good hint to non standard PNG formats. Recently, gamesalad dropped support for a lot of 8 bit PNG formats (particularirly those produced by imageOptim, etc). So that's one possibility. Another major change has been in regards to tables. Does your game have any tables? Might be another place to look...