Can I test my game on Android with the FREE version of Gamesalad Windows
Can I test my game on Android with the FREE version of Gamesalad Windows?
Or do I have to go PRO to do this? Its not publishing, its just testing my game to see if the screen, camera,
resolution is ok.
If possible to do it on Free version, will you please give the step to step instructions?
Thanks in advance!
Best Answer
S888RAM LondonPosts: 41
@itokengroup hey again. Just to let you know yes you can do the ADHOC testing with the pro version (that is making an APK) and installing it on your phone. but I personally dont think it is as efficient as the viewer as everytime you need to send the apk to your phone, install it and see the results.
As for the viewer. At one time you could use the android viewer as a free user because you just needed to side load the viewer on your device and then GS would recognize it regardless of subscription level.
I don't know if that's still the case. But you will need to make sure you are getting an android viewer that is for the version of windows GS you are using.
nope unfortunately thats not true! There were no viewer for PC version till now and it became available on the latest nightly build. I have not seen a video of it confirming this either and I have just red it on the forum.
Best of luck
I believe you can use the android viewer but you can't publish it.
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but if you go the the viewer download page, it says that it only supports mac.
@itokengroup hey buddy. I spent alot of time going around this issue as well. The bad news is that no you can not test your project if you are a PC guy just like me. They are not really clear about this matter so it takes a little while for those who just start to use GS to get around it.
Even if you buy the pro you would not be able to do it but they recently released a nightly build which allows you to use the viewer on your Windows version. However I have had no confirmation and I am waiting as well to see if anyone would send a screen shot and possibly upgrade to pro if thats the case.
Thanks for the answer bud, but it makes it more crazier.. If I cant test my game with PRO, why should I publish it then with PRO without knowing if it will work or not?
You most certainly can test with pro. True testing to be clear is actually publishing an .apk and then loading it directly to your device. That's the only true test of how your game will perform.
As for the viewer. At one time you could use the android viewer as a free user because you just needed to side load the viewer on your device and then GS would recognize it regardless of subscription level.
I don't know if that's still the case. But you will need to make sure you are getting an android viewer that is for the version of windows GS you are using.
Most likely the current viewer on the website is in line with the current Mac version. The Mac version have always been ahead of windows so it may be a challenge to get the correct viewer.
To be clear though the viewer is not a reliable way to test your game for true real world testing. It's purpose is to quickly get an idea of general gameplay proof if concept type stuff.
Thanks for the answer, but just a question, Have you ever done this? Upgrading to PRO with Gamesalad PC version and producing an apk then testing it on an android phone?
Thanks Man, Will Upgrade to Pro then.
@itokengroup well thats not publishing in the market but rather making a apk that you can install on your device.
@tenrdrmer I have looked everywhere and been using windows version for while. They never had any viewers for it. and you are right the best way of doing it is to try the ADHOC testing but it is time consuming. It would be good to see how things look on your phone by just clicking a button.
There is not a windows viewer. It's android or iOS.
You should just need an android viewer that matches the version number you are using on windows.
Thanks for the input. But it says on the viewer download page that It only supports MAC GS, both for android and ios. Am I wrong?
@tenrdrmer I can not make it any more clear than what I said. I am guessing you are a MAC user and didnt go through the hassles we have been going through. I did the same mistake thinking if I get the viewer whether for android or ios it would work but again I am making it clear that is not the case! These comments made on this matter without the actual experience made me and the new Windows users confused about the viewer so if you have not actually tested yourself then lets not make assumptions.
The viewer is only available for MAC download for IOS or ANDROID (which means you download it on your Android or Iphone device but it only connects to your MAC GS). now you install this and try to connect with your windows machine it simply would not recognise your GameSalad
@itokengroup So you know there is no viewer for GS windows version. However in their last post I saw in August they did confrim they had it working with the latest nightly build which uses the same ports as the mac on your windows to get it working and I am guessing they meant the MAC viewer to connect to your Windows GS (which means if you have the Pro version and the latest nightly build, if you download the MAC viewer on your Android or Iphone device it will recognise your Windows GS but in some cases if you have itunes on your windows it can interfere with the viewer which they are working on to fix)
last confirmation was my own post and their reply in August!
hope it helps. In any case if you decided to upgrade please make a video and make this clear to all.
Amen to that.
@S888RAM, have you every tried adhoc testing yourself? it seems that is the only way to test our windows game for Android.
Or is anyone, a PC Gamesalad user ever tried this? Tutorials? Videos? Anything?
Sorry your wrong! When windows originally released and all of us Mac guys (who have been around forever) gave it a go the same viewer worked just fine. And that was the only way all of the free windows users could see their games on a device since you cannot publish to iOS from windows and android requires pro.
Again as I said, at one time it worked. You have to have a viewer version that matches your GS version. That was then. Don't know about now because I cannot stand to use the windows version. The workflow is seriously borked IMO.
Also yes adhoc takes way more time but you are begging for a buggy app if you only test it with the viewer. Even GS says it's not reliable for any kind of final testing.
@tenrdrmer you are possibly right! As I have been using GS for only about a year. Viewer is handy when checking colors of the graphics and stuffon your phone and we all should do a adhoc test one a week.
As for the UI of the GS I do agree with you. Windows version is quiet laggy but we all know everything is catchin up with apple and sooner or later the word apple will be vanished (just joking!