Restoring inapp purchases in new system
If you update a game that is current on the app store to a new version with inapp purchases that locks sections. When the game is updated, will it recognise that the game is unlocked and all the features are available?
In my purchase app button it changes the attribute to unlock game when purchased.
Will I have to have a change attribute in my restore button that changes the attribute to unlock the game when restored?
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
If you have your own seperate IAP table which stores the purchased info then that will stay intact when one updates an app.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
In the restore behaviour, there is no rule to ask for a product id. Will it work without it?
Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing
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Nat Clarke
Life Cleansing