40 cards

I'm Trying to make a game which has 40 cards in it. Any 3 cards can be seen as the player selects them randomly . When the player chooses the 4th card the 3 cards which are shown should close and the 4th one should b reveled. I know a method where I need to create 40 attributes and 40 actors. But am looking for a simple solution to this. Any suggestions would b appreciated.
Thank you.

Best Answer


  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

    I don't understand what you are trying but if you upload a screenshot i can help. The best way for this is generally just one attribute and then set the image to the attribute..".png"

  • djdeedjdee Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2014

    hi @jorkos‌
    I have no screen shorts as what am trying to do is basic. Ill explain what am trying to do. There are 40 cards on the screen, something like in the video below. The player can select any 3 cards randomly to open, when the player selects a 4th card, the first 3 cards that he/she selected closes and the 4th card opens.

  • revoltandreverbrevoltandreverb Member Posts: 159

    Make a rough demo and attach, also not sure what you mean, we'll have to see it in action.

  • djdeedjdee Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2014

    @revoltandreverb said:
    Make a rough demo and attach, also not sure what you mean, we'll have to see it in action.

    hello @revoltandreverb‌
    Here are the screen shorts.
    1st screen short => 12 cards are displayed before the player .

    2nd screen short => the player can select any 2 cards. here i have selected card 1 and 10 and it turns blue.

    3rd screen short => when the player selects a 3rd card (example card 8th) the 1st two selected cards (i.e card 1 and 10) should turn back to black and card 8 should turn blue. which am finding difficult to get around it.
    i have even attached a demo file.

  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    I'm not entirely sure how your code is set up, but the most likely option will involve keeping a "card selected" integer attribute, that goes up one with each selection, and when it hits 2, add a command that the next time a card is selected, drop the number back to zero, and activates a game boolean that switches cards to black, then switches back to false, and THEN flip the new one. (sorry for being so rough, a bit short on time).

  • djdeedjdee Member Posts: 180
    edited October 2014

    hey @Tosanu‌
    thank you for the quick reply. But am sorry i really dint get u.... :(

  • djdeedjdee Member Posts: 180

    hey @timolapre1998‌
    thank you.. :)

  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    Basically, I would set it up thusly.

    Each card would have this rule, to activated if clicked while Black.

    Change to blue (or however you command that.)

    game.TotalCards = game.TotalCards

    they would also have a command set to "if the card is blue". After .1 seconds. if game.CardMax = true, Change to black.

    there would be a command somewhere, watching game.Total cards.
    if game.Totalcards > 2
    change game.Cardmax to true.
    change game.Totalcards = 1.
    after .06(or some other very short time) seconds, change game.Cardmax to false

    This has the rule watch for 3 cards to be selected. When it is, the rule flips, shuts off the two cards, and after the timer, the new one is selected.

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