How to detect drag and other common Smartphone Gestures?

BuliamBuliam Member, PRO Posts: 20

does anybody have an approach on how to detect a dragging motion? More specifically I have a wheel that I want to rotate according to my dragging motion. I thought I would be able to do it with mouseButton.down or touch.Down, but apparently these only trigger once as opposed to as long as the condition is true (e.g. if i click and keep the mouse clicked, the rule will not execute continuously).

My current approach is to watch if the actor is touched and if so record the previous and the current x and y positions of the touch in the timer and then calculate the motion vectors.
If anyone has another approach for this problem I would be very interested in hearing it. Also, has anyone implemented swiping, pinching, zooming etc.?

Unrelated Question: Does anyone know what the Button to the left of the Play Button in the Windows Creator does? It seems to toggle the Scene View into some kind of other mode, but I have no idea what the use of that mode might be.


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