Oh GameSald, how I hate thou!!!
Okay before you hardcore GS guys get start let me explain... I REALLY LOVE GS, but hate it at the same time!!!
It is so easy to build a great and fun game, but then I get mad because I want to add something simple like Facebook, or take a screen shot to post...but still can not do it.
So I switch to another tool like XCode, Unity, or Corona, and find myself getting upset because now I am trying to build a game in real code again and the lack of coding was the reason I came to the GS tool to began with. Plus, the fact you can get something up and running fast! Way faster then with code. I think this is why we see so many games getting jammed out for GS guy vs guys that use code.
Don't get me wrong, I write code all day long in my real job so it is not that I can't, it just gets old and GS is just make it fun again.
Good Luck!!!
Swings and roundabouts !
I think if GameSalad added in things like access to the camera roll, the camera itself, the ability to take screenshots a whole world of new game opportunities would open themselves up, painting games for kids would become viable, you just can't expect a kid to spend time drawing something and then not be able to save it or email it, or even just open up iOS pictures and show it to their dad / mum / kidnapper.
Imagine what access to the mic would do for music / audio apps or imagine being able to let the users snap an image with - for instance - an iPad camera and then use that image for a character or actor of some kind, or even just to stick your photo next to your high-score, it would be great.
If they added in this sort of stuff GameSalad would be unbeatable, it says a lot about just how good GameSalad is that so many use it in-spite of a lack of some very basic features.
So, yes, basically I agree that all this stuff would be wonderful, people have been talking about this stuff for years, literally years, and we never seem to get any closer which is always a little disheartening, but of course I have no clue how hard these things are to implement, and particularly within the current code framework, so it's easy for me to dream up a shopping list of great features from my armchair, lol
, but still, a guy can dream can't he ?
I hear you there @Socks