Mobile spending driven by 35-44 yr olds

jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

Says Unity owned Everplay.

A new study from Unity-owned mobile gaming firm Everyplay released today is shedding some light on just who is spending what in the mobile game market. According to the company's survey of 3,055 people, the most lucrative audiences for mobile games are older, male, and deeply invested in the games they play.

The study found that the average money spent per month on mobile games peaks at $6.07 in the 35-44-year-old demographic, with the next most lucrative group being the 45+ crowd, at an average monthly spend of $4.79. The 18-24-year-old set was the least lucrative group of gamers surveyed, with its members bringing in just $3.73 on average per month.

Everyplay also found that men were more invested in mobile games, spending an average of $5.63 compared to a $3.49 monthly spend for women. Among all mobile gamers, the average monthly expenditure was $4.58. As might be expected, those who played the most also paid the most; those who played less than an hour a week averaged just $0.66 on a monthly basis, while those averaging 10 or more hours per week went through an average of $15.15 on mobile games each month.


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