how to spawn in waves?
Hello all I need some help logic wise thinking something through I'm creating a zombie game that spawns zombies in waves, for example after 10 zombies killed, speed of zombie increase by 10 then once 15 of those zombies are killed speed increases etc etc after a certain. Are there any examples i can look at or any advice, can someone share? thank you very much.
Here is a demo I made for you. I'm quite new to game salad but I've been programming for a while so I like these challenges. Basically create integers of all the speeds you need e.g. a default_value_speed of lets say 50, a second_wave_speed of 150 and a third_wave_speed of 300
Make the speed of the zombies when they spawn the default_value_speed. Then create a death_count integer of 0. Every time a zombie dies, change the death_count to +1. Create a rule in the zombie that when death_count reaches let's say 5, then change the default_value_speed to second_wave_speed and when the death count reaches 10, change the default_value_speed to third_wave_speed.
I've added the death counter to the scene so you can see when it reaches 5 the zombies speed up and also again at 10.
Thank you so much I will give this a look.