***Splash Screen not showing up on iP5
Hey guys. I just am finalizing my new game.. haven't published yet since ios8 and the new game salad updates. In the publisher, the option we have now is to put an ip6+ splash screen size, and then it says that GS will scale it down for the ip6 and ip5. Well I just built my game for the ip5 and it showed up black.
Anyone else have this issue or have a solution? Thanks
p.s. this is a universal build project and images are uploaded for the ip6+, ip4, and iPad sizes under publishing.
Someone else reported the same issue a few days back. Have you tried it with the current Release Candidate 12.9?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
If the custom loading screen shows black with four 1 pixel dots on each corner, then yup, that's my problem as well. I haven't tried 12.8 yet so I can't comment. I've used
Would the builds of GS matter? I'm gonna try RC 12.9 right now. But I just feel like it's a publishing issue
Here is the screen I am getting instead of a splash screen. for some reason it does not show the red dots.. but this a direct screen shot from the device
Hey all, this is an issue with the signed .app package, if you look inside it you can see theDefault-568h@2x.png image is just black, hopefully there will be a fix soon i believe its and @2x and @3x issue.
Yeah I hope it get's fixed quickly. It's at a bad time for my game right now. Can apps be submitted with black splash screens?
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Im Having the same problem, Just get a Black Screen as the Splash Screen, Anyone know if this is going to be fixed quickly ? (I've heard that apple reject apps if there is a black loading screen)
I had that but Apple did not reject my app. It is fixed in the latest stable release 12.